Stuff I say...

I don't run after people... It ruins my pretty shoes... How can we expect anything to change, when our actions remain the same? Creator of trouble... Bye, bye kitty... Mondays always need an extra shot of espresso... I don't follow my destiny, I make my destiny... Crazy/Beautiful...
I fell in love with the stars, the beauty of the night....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years surely does go by quickly...

Today is the 10th anniversary of the horrors of 9/11.

I still remember watching it on the news and I don't think that I really had any idea of what a big impact it had on people's lives, since I was safe and happy on another continent.

When I had the chance to visit ground zero and look at the memorials for the heroes, it became reality. So many people have lost loved ones and so many others sacrificed their lives to save someone else.

There was one hero in particular that touched my heart.
Daisy, a golden retriever, saved her blind owner, his boss and 965 other lives.
She guided people out of the building, until she got injured. Daisy suffered from severe burns on her paws, smoke inhalation and a broken leg. She did survive and was carried out by a firefighter.
She was also given the Medal of Honor of New York City.

Let's remember those who have been affected by the tragedy, those who made big sacrifices for the safety of others and the ones who lost their lives on this day.

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