Stuff I say...

I don't run after people... It ruins my pretty shoes... How can we expect anything to change, when our actions remain the same? Creator of trouble... Bye, bye kitty... Mondays always need an extra shot of espresso... I don't follow my destiny, I make my destiny... Crazy/Beautiful...
I fell in love with the stars, the beauty of the night....

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The bug saga...

So, as mentioned before, there was a killer bug on the loose in our apartment.
My roommate and I were staring at this bug for a good 30 minutes, trying to figure out what we're going to do about it... I even decided to blog about it before we take action...

We couldn't go to bed with a murderous mutant in our apartment, it could have killed us in our sleep.

We ended up looking for insect killer, which we didn't have in the apartment. 
Going to the store to buy some was out of the question, since you don't leave a bug that size alone... It might crawl into a hiding place and ambush us.

So we made a plan... A stylish plan...
Spray the sucker with hairspray and then squash it with a shoe... 
Not just any shoe, three inch heels.

After much girly screaming, freaking out, retreating and attacking, we succeeded. 
Hopefully this isn't a common occurrence, I don't want to ruin pretty shoes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I think it's going to kill us...

There is a gigantic bug in our apartment at the moment..
Gigantic is an understatement, this is a super bug, it's the mother of all bugs... It's the size of a baby elephant...

It's probably a mutant due to some radiation exposure...
Would love to post a picture of it...But I'm not going to risk my life by getting to close to the demon, since it might have developed some super bug  powers that could possibly kill us...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This was fun...

I did a shoot for Alexis Magazine...
the backdrop fell apart and then tore... make it work...

Ah, warm sun...

Turning. spinning and jumping...

So carefree... 
None of these images were digitally enhanced, we went old school and used film...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

...and then it hit me...

It's strange how life works.
I'm in two minds about this whole business to be honest.
One the one side I feel that I'm behind on the 'schedule' but on the other, I keep on thinking that I took the road less traveled and I can't compare it to what's going on at home or among people my age, since many of them are definitely not in the same position as me.

It's that time in my life where it's baby and wedding season.
Most of my friends are getting married or expecting children or already have children.
Now, I think this is indirect peer pressure, everyone else is doing the socially acceptable thing and here I am, hopping from one country to the next and I don't even think I have completely found my niche yet. 
How do you even consider where you want to live if you've lived and worked in five different counties?

While everyone's doing their 9 to 5 jobs, I'm standing at immigration wondering how long it's going to take before I will recover from jet lag.
While all my friends are trying to find the perfect wedding dress, I'm trying on wedding dresses for shows thinking that I have walked on the runway in these dresses so many times that the thrill of finding a wedding dress one day might not even be as exciting, since it's part of the job. My friends are planning weddings and I'm making more travel plans.
While everyone else is busy decorating their first homes, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to fit my life into two bags.
When everyone is getting ready to welcome their bundles of joy into the world, I'm preparing for castings, shows and shoots.

Now, after that depressing description...
I'm glad I don't have to sit in an office doing a job that pays the bills, but gives me no satisfaction.
I hate jet lag. No denying that. I hate immigration too come to think of it, but I get to discover new countries, cultures in more depth than most who just go on holiday.
The wedding dress issue, well, get one made... No need to go look. Sorted.
Who needs a house when the world is a playground of possibility?
Home is where the heart is.

I'm glad I chose the route less traveled, it makes me appreciate the small things and the wonderful people in my life even more..
I'm chasing my dreams and I'm living my life fully. I'm not saying that those who are settling aren't living, that's just not what my life is about right now...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Forget about hugging trees, I want to hug a Panda instead...

I finally got to see a panda.
Pandas are cool.
Black, white and Asian... They have no issues with racism... 

I did the tourist thing and went to Ocean Park. 
The dolphin performances were fantastic, the lines waiting for the rides, not so much.
I also took one step to overcoming my fear of heights, by going on the cable cars... 

A day well spent...

Friday, August 12, 2011

I know I'm quiet...

I'm busy with a little experiment...
It's mainly because I am bored and... Studying isn't up filling the time I have to think up random nonsense...

Fun, fun, fun!

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Friday!!

The weekend is finally upon us...

And here is a song to celebrate the weekend...
Just a note, this song makes Justin Bieber sound manly...