Stuff I say...

I don't run after people... It ruins my pretty shoes... How can we expect anything to change, when our actions remain the same? Creator of trouble... Bye, bye kitty... Mondays always need an extra shot of espresso... I don't follow my destiny, I make my destiny... Crazy/Beautiful...
I fell in love with the stars, the beauty of the night....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lost and found??

Sometimes I wonder how unique we really are.
I'm unique... Just like everyone else and we apparently don't have it.

Everyone is also out to find their unique selves.
In order to find something, I'm guessing you didn't have it, or you lost it?

How can you lose yourself?  Can anyone explain that to me?
You either do something or you don't. You say yes or no.
You can choose to agree or disagree?

So if you know that you have all these options and choices and every choice leads to another place in life... How can you lose yourself? Unless you lose yourself in the music, I'm not falling for it.

Does being lost refer to changing?
Because that would make more sense...

I prefer to agree with George Bernard Shaw...

Makes this whole finding business so much easier. 
In other words, you've always had yourself, you just need to shape, mold, and... Create.

Creativity is the essence of life... 
So go ahead, color your life... 

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