Stuff I say...

I don't run after people... It ruins my pretty shoes... How can we expect anything to change, when our actions remain the same? Creator of trouble... Bye, bye kitty... Mondays always need an extra shot of espresso... I don't follow my destiny, I make my destiny... Crazy/Beautiful...
I fell in love with the stars, the beauty of the night....

Friday, July 1, 2011

Sleep Nazi meets Confucius...

Aargh, I live with a sleep Nazi...
Now if you're wondering what a sleep Nazi is, let me give you my very accurate definition...

A sleep Nazi is someone who just cannot resist to wake you up and keep you awake by doing annoying things... or, pain in the ass...

This morning at 4:50 AM, I was rudely woken by a Skype conversation and dance music...
So after falling asleep at 1:30 AM, I can surely say that I was a bit upset and not too friendly.

Since it's Friday I thought I would take an afternoon nap (best part of not working set hours)
To my surprise, the sleep nazi woke me up again...

Curse the sleep nazi...

Here's a photo of me and Confuscius... Since coherent writing is out the window due to lack of sleep...
It's me and Confucius... Leaning statue of Confucius???

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