Stuff I say...

I don't run after people... It ruins my pretty shoes... How can we expect anything to change, when our actions remain the same? Creator of trouble... Bye, bye kitty... Mondays always need an extra shot of espresso... I don't follow my destiny, I make my destiny... Crazy/Beautiful...
I fell in love with the stars, the beauty of the night....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lines and colors...

Where do you draw the line between being kind and being taken advantage of?

Personally, I don't like being taken advantage of and I'm sure no one else does either.
Acts of kindness are suppose to make us feel good.
I don't feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I just feel used.

its a terrible feeling, I don't want to do anything sweet, kind or caring at the moment.

I am lenient and I can cope with a lot, but for now, this is what awaits you when you cross the line...

Enough of that...

This is what I got up to this morning...

Pretty awesome I think... 


  1. When you get to that point that your brain says it's tired of being nice to other people and being taken advantage of, you'll know it. Been there, done that. A couple of times.

    Sometimes it comes in the form of a pleasant little rebuke or ignored comment, others it comes out as "get the f... out of my way or get hurt!".

    Either way, you'll know...and it sounds like you might be close to that point... :-)

    ps...great photies...never pictured those three colours together, but they work.

  2. I'm so close to snapping and retrieving the bitch pass..
    I just wonder if I shouldn't just use silent treatement and save everyone from disaster...

    Thanks, I was a bit worried about those colors, but it worked well...

  3. The silent treatment may only cause the other person to say "what's up?" and then you'll have to either explain or say "nothing". It might be best to just confront the person, tell him/her what you're thinking, then take it from there. At least the person will know that you know you're being taken advantage of and will resist it going forward.

  4. It's been sorted out now thankfully...
    I'm happy again... But I am withdrawn now, I'm not setting myself up to be used again... That would be Stupid to say the least...
